TF Channel is intuitive and simple to use. However, we have created a list of tutorials for those who would like to learn how to use our new technology step by step. The following tutorials are all short videos, each about 1 to 5 minutes long. You may view them in chronological order, or jump to the one that you are currently interested. We separated our videos into 3 sections: Navigating the TF Channel Display Terminal, Navigating the TF Channel Controller, and Using the TF Channel Terminal as a Caretaker. It is recommended that the first two videos in the first section are viewed first. After that, you are ready to use TF Channel.

Navigating the TF Channel Display Terminal

Navigating the TF Channel Controller

Using the TF Channel Terminal as a Caretaker

You can also read our user guide linked below! Note: the table of contents at the beginning is clickable so you can skip to specific sections. Also, nearly ever bold heading throughout the user guide is has a link attached to it. The link brings you to that section’s corresponding YouTube video so you can see more visuals and get a more step by step tutorial if you need.